Laura Harring Instagram
So grateful that I followed my intuition and went on this trip right before the world fell victim to, cov19. I know its uncomfortable to talk about, but the truth is I think the world will not go back to normal. Even after September 11th, the whole world changed so much and that tragic event happened to the United States. And the whole world was impacted. Imagine now, with this world pandemic what changes can or will occur My advice is to go deep into our hearts and heal our wounds. Heal our traumas, our relationships. Most importantly find our love of Self, and therefore love many say we will be transformed. Yes if we each do our own soul searching. Change will always be. Its up to us if the change is for more love and positivity or at least tolerance and compassion. Or if the change will be to go more into fear. More into comparison and distance. Its up to us.