Ignis Brunensis 2014 Brno Международный конкурс фейерверков
The Ignis Brunensis is an international firework competition held annually at the end of May and beginning of June in Brno, Czech Republic. The name of competition is Latin for Fire of Brno. The event lasts about two weeks and involves the whole city of Brno. It is introduced by noncompetitive fireworks launched from the city centre. From this moment competing fireworks are presented outside the city centre on the nearby Brno Dam where the effect is increased by reflection from the water. Each fireworks show lasts about 22 minutes, with synchronized music broadcast by the local radio station. Shows are held one by one every second or third day. The event attracts from 100, 000 to 200, 000 visitors1 The closing ceremony again includes noncompeting fireworks launched from the city centre. Local museums, castles and other institutions also participate in the event, with their own programmes.