, jojosiwa, boomerrang, esmrreactions WANT US TO REACT TO YOUR VIDEO EMAIL US AT What it do, REVENGER CREW What s good mannnnnnnn, listen if its your first time visiting us, thanks for stopping by We are the ESMR REVENGERS If this is your first time here, welcome We do reaction videos from all around the globe If you re a returning subscriber, thanks for being a member of the WORLD FAMOUS REVENGER CREW Tonight, we re back with another video featuring my incredible little one, Isabelle Her FAVORITE person in the world is, Jojo Siwa. She s energetic, spunky, and quite entertaining This particular video is more than 5 years old and was one of the first songs that JoJo released. The kid loves it, so we re bringing it to you What did you guys think about this song from Jojo Like always, check us out on the socials, like comment and subscribe. All the videos,