GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit WHITE CITY: INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW: Full Description: CARTASEGNE, Lt. , Col. (Italian show jumper) Wins the King George V Cup at the White presented by H. M. Queen Eliz. II. QUEEN ELIZABETH II. At the 1955 International Horse Show at White Cup to Italy s Lt. Colonel pres. were Queen Mother and P. Marg. ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER. With her daughter Queen Eliz II for the International Horse Show at the White City. HORSE JUMPING. International Horse Jumping at White smythe on Prince of H. M. Queen and Queen Mother for King George V Lt. Col. Cartasegne on brando. KIERNAN, Lt. (Irish Sho w Jumper) Riding on Bally monty in the International show jumping at the White City. MARGARET ROSE PRINCESS. Arrive w. H. M. Queen and Q, Mother for King George V Cup a