Sons of Durin, , If I die young
Watch in HD + Like and Comment :) I watched the Battle Of The Five Armies EE last weekend and it killed my feels and brought me to tears much like when I first watched the movie back in December 2014. It was amazing. I wish this was released in cinemas to the world rather than the theatrical release. The few character moments, the entire flow of the battle, and the funeral were beyond great. Having said that, there are still a few cringeworthy sequences but over all it delivered the missing pieces of the puzzle, especially Alfrid s death. Although I m happy that I finally watched the extended, I feel so sad that this is the last of the Hobbit movies we re ever going to get. I ve grown very fond of these movies, the story, and the character and I found myself inspired to make a tribute to the sons of Durin. I hope you all like it :) Song: If I Die Young cover by Michael Henry and Justin Robinett Program: Sony Vegas Pro 12 Color