Stop At Nothing Drills (1956)
Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). AS. The core drill is being pointed downwards. SV. The coredrill is lowered towards the concrete. SCU. Man turning handle which lowers drill into position. CU. Base of drill going down on to concrete which is covered in water probably for cooling reasons. TV. Drill, man pushes handle and drill starts to revolve. CU. Machinery running. CU. Dial on machinery. TV. The drill spinning into the concrete. GV. Drill in action with crowds watching. CU. Drill being lifted out wheel spinning showing the hole it has made. CU. Drill moves away. CU. Man lifts out large piece of tubular concrete from the hole and we have a good look at it. CU. Base of drill with man holding magnifying glass over it. CU. Through magnifying glass, showing the teeth and diamonds presumably. CU. Man putting on asbestos hood. CU. Man pulls eye shields over the eye holes of his hood. SV. Man helps him on with his gloves. SV. Oxygen cylinders lying on ground and man goes over to turn on. C