How To Make Oyako don Healthy and simple Japanese food recipe
Most nonJapanese don t know what real Japanese food is. Sushi, ramen, dumplings, tempura, etc. are some of our most famous dishes, but I often see people from other countries putting their own interpretations on the recipes and claiming it s authentic. So I started this channel with the purpose of letting more people know what real Japanese cuisine is and how to prepare these meals at home. Japanese homecooked food uses a variety of ingredients including meat, seafood, vegetables, mushrooms, seaweed, and tofu, and can be highly influenced depending on the seasonal avaliablity of some ingredents such as chestnuts, fruits, saury and rape blossoms and the like. All this variety leads to some incredible dishes, and I want everyone to enjoy deliciously healthy Japanese food Oyakodon Egg: 3 pieces Onion: a quarter piece Chicken thigh: 150 to 180 grams Shoyu (soy sauce): 2 tablespoons Mirin (which means sweet sake): 1 tablespoon Sugar: