Royal The Serpent Death of Me ( Chapter 2 of 5)
Royal The Serpent Death of Me (Chapter 2 of 5) Subscribe for more official content from Royal The Serpent: Follow Royal The Serpent Credits: Directed, CD Nas Bogado nashavefun DoP Jay Kaufman jaybkaufman Steadicam Ryan Murphy roboryan 1st AC Brielle Steele boiblu00 PD, CD Conner Sorensen connersorensen PD Bethany Struble bethanystruble Prop Master, Set Design Olive Kowalcyzk olivepaintsalot Prod Ash Davis ashknows MUA Fara Dene faradene Art Dept Nic Jimenez cyburbs Key Grip Joe Padilla top40joe Gaffer Remy Dixon remydixon Edited by Nas Bogado nashavefun + Ryan Santiago royalandtheserpent VFX Nas Bogado nashavefun Illustration Olive Kowalcyzk olivepaintsalot Production DNIPRods Head Of Prod Ash Davis ashknows + Nas Bogado nashavefun Rat Handler thesnakefather Rat Person Gionnie ggrahkavelli Rat Person Kimmie OBrien ifjezusreturnzhecanhavesalami , royalandtheserpent, DeathofMe, AtlanticRecords