Synthesia: XI FREEDOM Di VE , 220, 000+ Notes, Cytus, Black MIDI
After alot of talk and convincing I finally got LEB to trust me with this masterpiece of a Black MIDI. This MIDI has very nice dymanics and I love it alot. The phrases are nicely done and original. The Melody is kept very good and overall just one of the best Black MIDIs I ve seen since long. ZDoc told me this song was from a game named Cytus but all other videos credit someone called xi so I found that more credible. Anyways, I hope you endjoy this PFASized keyboard video of Freedom Dive by LEB and CYL :D Thanks to KaleidonKep99 and ZDoc for helping me with the Thumbnail and audio. Original video (Black Score): MIDI Download: This MIDI is private, no distribution is allowed. Song: XI FREEDOM DiVE Blacker: LEBBlack, CYL Note count: 220, 103 My rate: 9, 8, 10