ALL NATURAL BEEF PRs, My Second Powerlifting Competition ( TESTED )
Doing a powerlifting meet with suboptimal conditions. Still grateful for the experience. Thank you for watching Fueled by Gorilla mind code: BEEF Helimix code: BEEF Village Hidden in Iron code: BEEF BearFoot code: BEEF LINKS: SUPS and CLOTHING (code: BEEF): GORILLA MIND RASKOL YOUNGLA ILUS LABEL SOCIALS: INSTA TWITCH TIKTOK Contents of this video 00:00 intro 01:12 squat 06:08 bench 10:10 dance break a light dusting of baby powder 10:31 deadlift 17:00yippe yahoo 17:09tought times 20:12 the end , powerlifting, competition, benchpress, deadlift, squats, squat, strengthtraining, strength, musclebuilding, muscle, leanbeefpatty, fitne