Primitive Survival Fish Trap Build, Catch and Cook
This week we re going primitive Fen and I are building a primitive survival fish trap from natural materials native to NW Florida. These fish traps are a lot of work to build but once they re done and fishing, they re well worth the time investment because they re catching fish while you can turn your attention to some other survival matter. Through experimenting with several different combination trap construction methods and native materials I found that smaller grape vines make excellent weaving materials. River cane (native bamboo) is perfect for the stays (longitudinal pieces), and the aerial roots of grape vines make good bindings. We re using a pretty basic over, under basket weaving method for the most part. The fish trap we made is big and you certainly don t have to build one as large as this. In addition to the small bluegill we caught, there are some larger catfish in this pond, but we didn t catch any of those. To bait the trap, I split a piece of br, br,