Trivalent Zeus7 Scale by Ornament and Crime
TrivalentZeus7 number of notes: 7 comments: Trivalent scale in zeus temperament7, thirds are all 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 99tET tuning, notes (in cents): 0, 1090. 6 Upper Ribbon 2x Two59 Lower Ribbon Model D and μBraids bass by Roland System 512 VCO to E 440 Filter chords by ARC Serge TKB, Ornament and Crime Quantermain to 4x μBraids, quadrature panning by Tides 2018 and 2x Vails + 4ms Quad Clock Distibutor, Expander, Peg ARC Serge TKB Behringer Model D