Jack Green. Цена мировым архивам по иорданике
This talk, prepared by Jack Green, ACOR associate director, and Jessica Holland, ACOR archival projects consultant, was given by Dr. Green for the Anglo Jordanian Society on April 22, 2021. About the talk: They say that every picture tells a story. If that is the case, there are thousands of stories waiting to be told and retold from ACORs photographic archives. This lecture will present examples of the value and the potential roles such archives in Jordan have in many kinds of educational uses and research as well as the general importance of online image archives, given the plight of cultural heritage. The photo archive at the American Center of Research, Jordan is an openaccess database containing over 30, 000 images from the collections of Jane Taylor, Rami Khouri, Kenneth Russell, Nancy Lapp, and former directors of ACOR, among others. Wi