GARZI Much Better ( Official Music Video)
GARZI, , MUCH BETTER, , OUT 4. 9 Buy, Stream: Director, Producer: Taylor Bonin DP: Harley Astorga 1st AC: Mark Villa Steadicam: Tanner Eck PA, BTS: William Sipos Movmsnt direction:: Annalise Gehling Stylist: Kristen Reader HMU: Christina Spina Editor: William Sipos Shot on Kodak 16mm film MUCH BETTER, , LYRICS How long till its coming for you The past is gonna catch up Uh oh Im feeling much better tonight Oh no Were feeling much better Hello Get up Sell out Follow Meta Feed me Make me Hollow Plastic Status Doesnt matter I dont wanna Be another Uh oh I m feeling much better tonight Oh no can I keep it together this time Let go all the weight of the pressure Now I m feeling much better I dont know if I can keep this shit straight Im holding on Im trynna keep my place So run away kid thats what theyre saying But would you mind if we