FIRST MAN Theremin Theme
The theremin in this video, or rather the music it made, actually went to the moon with astronaut Neil Armstrong as part of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. Here is a quote from the final paragraphs of the book, MOONDUST: IN SEARCH OF THE MEN WHO FELL TO EARTH by Andrew Smith ( the full story of the Apollo 11 moon mission, published in 2006). Of more interest to me, though, was Neil Armstrongs response to a supplementary question about the strange, electronic sounding music that Collins fellow astronaut Michael Collins reported him taking to Luna. Armstrong told me that the electronic sound I referred to was the theremin music of Dr. Samuel Hoffman, specifically an album called MUSIC OUT OF THE MOON, which he Neil Armstrong had committed to tape from his own The theme played in this video was written by composer Justin Hurwitz for the 2018 film FIRST MAN. The movie is based on the book, FIRST MAN: THE LIFE OF NEIL A. ARMSTRONG, by James R. Hansen. Th