THREE BROTHERS There were three rich brothers who wanted to do something special for their elderly mother on Mother s Day. The first brother bought her a huge house. The second brother gave her a limousine, with a driver. The third brother remembered that his mother used to love to read the Bible, but couldn t see well at her age, so he gave her a specially trained parrot that could recite any verse from the Bible on demand. Soon, the brothers received thankyou letters from their mother. The first son s letter said, The house that you bought me is too big I only live in a small part of it, but I still have to clean the whole house The second son got a letter that said, I rarely leave the house now, so I seldom use the limo that you gave me. And when I don t use it, the driver is so rude The third son s letter said, My darling baby boy, you know what your mother loves The chicken was very tasty , аудирование, юмор, английский, английскийонлайн, английскийсамоучитель, limenglish, lessons