Pompeii Virtual Walk in 4k Part 6
In this virtual walk of Pompeii you will see: 1:02 the Bakery of Popidius Priscus which includes several mills and an oven 3:20 Via della Fortuna 4:15 Via Stabiana 5:32 the House of Marcus Lucretius; 7:30 the House of Siricus; 8:29 the first body casts made in Pompeii by Giuseppe Fiorelli; 11:19 Bakery 12:50 the Holconius Crossroads; 13:10 Via dell Abbondanza 13:30 The Stabian Baths 13:50 The apodyterium (men s changing room) 14:13 The frigidarium (cold room) 15:14 The tepidarium (warm room) 15:34 The caldarium (hot room) 17:23 The Palaestra (exercise yard) 17:40 The Women s bath 17:58 The apodyterium 18:22 The tepidarium 18:32 The caldarium 20:40 Body cast 22:00 Exit the bath back to Via dell, Abbondanza Subscribe to my channel: Visit my Facebook page: