Friday Blooper: Instructional, Ambient Guitar ( Chase Bliss, Strymon, Godin Multiac Nylon), Эмбиент, гитарный эмбиент
, Эмбиент, гитарный эмбиент This video shows how CBA Blooper can be used as Frippertronics a looper capable of degrading sound loop by loop as it happens with tape recorders. I used FILTER and STABILITY to do this job. I also switched additive mode (ADD) so that effects would apply to every cycle again and again. Since I also used Stepped Speed modifier in reverse ADD mode would reverse an already reversed loop back to normal every second turn. Another tweak was to use dip switches. Ive engaged random ramping of Stability to have more unpredictable flutter effect of an old tape. Gear used: Godin Multiac ACS Nylon Fishman Aura Spectrum DI Chase Bliss Audio Blooper Strymon Volante Strymon Bigsky Thanks for watching Please subscribe , Fridayblooper, ambientguitar, godinnylon, chaseblissaudio, blooperlooper, frippertronics, volantedelay, tapedelay, godinguitars, multiac, FishmanAura, bigskyreverb, strymon, delaypedal , instructional, tutorial, tut, howtoplay, эмбиент, гитара, тьюториал, какиграть