A Professional Melanger Allure JR6 T
The Melanger Allure JR6T (working volume is 5 kg) has a light and strong frame, a spiral spring mechanism is used for the millstones suspension. The control unit is located on the housing. The Allure JR6T is designed with a removable bowl. It is very convenient for draining the mass and you may easily remove the bowl with your own hands More information: Contact us: Mobile, WhatsApp, Viber: +79653113668, Skype : Allure Machinery, email: , cocoabeans, bean2bar, chocolate, chocolatemaking, chocolatemaking, smallbatch, vegan, veganchocolate, veganchocolate, darkchocolate, whitechocolate, Beantobarchocolate, Beantobarchocolate, handmadechocolate, handmadechocolate, craftchocolate, artisanchocolate, crandcruchocolate, chocolatelover, chocolatelover, chocolateentusiast, darkchocolate, alluremachinery, aromacacao, alluremelangers, graniteemillstones, melanger, melangeur, cacaobean, cacaobeans, cacaonibs, cocoanibs, Grinder, Cocoa, cocoabean, Cocoabean