O: JALs Malisa A. Elliott reads The Sedoka Interviews: Cycle 1, poetry by Melissa E. Jordan
O:JA L s Malisa A. Elliott reads The Sedoka Interviews: Cycle 1, poetry by Melissa E. Jordan. Become an O:JA L member through our new Patreon program: Explore O:JA L s Buttonhook Press titles available now on Amazon: About the writer: Melissa E. Jordan lives in northwestern Connecticut. Her poetry collection, BainMarie (Big Wonderful Press) was published in 2015. Jordans poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Cossack Review, Rats Ass Review, Word Riot, Otis Nebula, Terrain, Off the Coast, Squawk Back, and elsewhere. About the reader: Associate Editor for Media and Media Production Malisa A. Elliott is a nonsenseaverse scribe and bibliophile; or, in other words, a globallyminded interdisciplinary writer, published poet, creative producer, f