Cara tomba ( A. Scarlatti) Simone Kermes
Cara tomba Simone Kermes Le Musiche Nove under Claudio Osele from the opera Mitridate Eupatore (Act, IV, Scene 2) by Alessandro Scarlatti (16601725) Libretto by Girolamo Frigimelica Roberti. Aria for Laodice: Cara tomba del mio diletto nel tuo sen dammi ricetto, deh sii tomba anche per me. O deposito infelice Se a te fui culla, e nutrice vuò morire anche con TRANSLATION: Dear tomb of my beloved, give me refuge within you, ah, be a tomb for me as well. O unhappy resting place If I cradled and nursed you, I wish to die with you as well. First performed in Venice on January 5, 1707. A failure at its premiere, Mitridate Eupatore is now considered Scarlatti s finest opera. CD available from Sony Classics: Further rese