CALL ME MAYBE feat. Georgina, Belle, Solenn, Anne, Liz, Bea etc ( OFFICIAL)
The Offiicial Call Me Maybe, itsmorefuninthephilippines Video Here s the official link to the mobile version: Starring Georgina Wilson (iloveGeorgina), Isabelle Daza (isabelledaza), Solenn Heussaff (solennheussaff), Liz Uy (lizzzuy), Bea Soriano (itsbeasoriano), Anne Curtis (annecurtissmith), Carla Humphries (carlahumphries), Mond Gutierrez (mondgutierrez), Erwan Heussaff (erwanheussaff), Borgy Manotoc (BunkerObey), Adrien Semblat (adriensemblat), Nico Bolzico (maverick4000), Eric Dee (ericdeejr) and Manny Pacquiao (MannyPacquiao) edited by Miguel Lugtu (miguellugtu) We do not own the rights to any of the music in this video. Music credit goes to Carly Rae