Solar Feminine Goddess Codes, Light Language Activation
Hello, dear ones I hope you enjoy this light language activation which is a combination of transmissions that I channeled during Summer Solstice 2023. Goddesses include: Yemoja, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Lilith, Sekhmet, and Isis. A 33minute version can be purchased from my website: Music: Bells in the Clouds by Forward Facing Music. Thank you for cocreating JJ , lightlanguage, 1111, energyupdate, energyhealing, healer, lightworker, spiritualawakening, higherconsciousness, lightcodes, starseed Multidimensional Messages for Healing and Higher Consciousness Upcoming Virtual Gatherings: Keep Up To Date With My Latest Offerings: Purchase my OnDemand Light Language Activation Course: Playback Recordings of our Soul Family Gatherings: Instagram: TikTok: Facebook: YouTube Channel: Apple Podcasts: Spotify Podcasts: