Which school system is BETTER Education in Germany vs. USA Pt. 1, Feli from Germany
Go to and find out how you can get 3 months of ExpressVPN free Check out part Is school in Germany different than school in the US YES, there are actually A LOT of differences between the two school systems. It s a huge topic but in this video, I tried to summarize some of the most important differences and talk about the good and the bad sides of the two systems. In a sequel video, I will then talk more about the daytoday differences at school, including the schedules, the setup of the classes, extracurriculars, school sports, prom, and other cultural differences Feel free to add things in the comments below and share your personal opinions and experiences :) Podcast Episode EP24: Get Schooled Education in Germany vs. USA American College Life 0:00 Intro 4:33 School types 8:45 German appren