Kerecse N VAJON MIT SZÓ L EHHEZ BRÜ SSZEL (hivatalos szöveges videó, lyrics video)
KerecseN Vajon mit szól ehhez Brüsszel Varga Zsolt ének, gitár Ferusz Krisztián basszusgitár Hatala Jani dob Lyrics translation by Molnár Zsolt What do you say, Brussels I speak Hungarian, and my skin is white What do you say, Brussels Look how brave I am, got a WOMAN for wife What do you say, Brussels This is my curved cucumber, thats my fat pig What do you say, Brussels I brew my own liquor, a burning spirit What do you say, Brussels Get turned on by girls and laugh in my sorrow What do you say, Brussels Make the sign of the cross and turn to shoot my arrow What do you say, Brussels Wearing my boots for a longlong time What do you say, Brussels The neighbor is still drinking my wine What do you say, Brussels Lost cause, PC reality, not so cool A faded, gray rainbow Idiots staring, barking at the moon Better switch channel, Bro Watching