ESO Mount Showcase Ayleid Crates All Mounts
Radiant Apex 1600 Crown Gems or 16000 Seals of Endeavor CulandaBorn Senche Rielle 2. 500 Crown Gems 00:11 VarlaBorn Wolf Sepredia 1. 200 Crown Gems 00:54 WelkyndBorn Courser Lattanya 1. 600 Crown Gems 01:35 Apex 400 Crown Gems or 8000 Seals of Endeavor Nenalata Ayleid Bear Sunnawend 05:29 Nenalata Ayleid Camel Silatam 04:11 Nenalata Ayleid Guar Mafrelatta 03:33 Nenalata Ayleid Horse Oiobaun 02:16 Nenalata Ayleid Senche Ceydarre 02:55 Nenalata Ayleid Wolf Nenagai 04:49 Legendary 100 Crown Gems or 3600 Seals of Endeavor Dagon Fel NixOx Steed Tickler 06:08 Deadlands Guar Firehide 06:49 Legion Zero Destrier Imperator 07:26 Crown Store 2. 500 Crowns Scorched Alley Howler Larceny 08:03 Crown Store 2. 200 Crowns NOTE: the walking animation was bugged on PTS so some look like they are running in slow motion instead of walking