Which is Safer Black Mesa or Aperture Science
When it comes to the safer workplace, which is the more ideal candidate out of the morally gray The Black Mesa Research Facility or the Aperture Laboratories Make sure to check out ElephantsDoingCrack side of this collaborative project where he takes a dive into uncovering the genuine connections overlapping between the HalfLife and Portal games: Additional Thanks To ElephantsDoingCrack VA, Footage, Script Assistance Noah Deibler unstoppablegiant from HECU Collective Voice Acting ReplicaFilms2000 Voice Acting Follow Me On Twitter: Chapters Introduction 0:00 Daily Life 1:02 Food 3:11 Hazards 4:54 SubChapter: Posters 7:22 History 8:41 Chances of Survival 14:23 Conclusion 22:30 Endgame 24:45 Music Credits , HalfPortal, halflife, portal, blackmesa, aperturescience Mauricio Jara