Operation Theatre Careers : Explore Different Roles Opportunities, ,, Shri Ram Medical College
The operating theatre is a vital part of any hospital or medical facility, where lifesaving surgeries are performed. The environment in an operating room is sterile, the furniture is sterile, the lighting is sterile, and there are screens and monitors for the surgeon to use if necessary. In most cases, operating theatres do not have windows, while those installed in newly constructed theatres do so that medical staff can benefit from natural light. Such rooms also have climate control systems. Extraordinary air handlers clean and pressurise the air so that it stays at a constant comfortable level. In event of an electrical outage, backup generators are ready to kick in. To comply with international infection control standards, all operating rooms have specialised OT flooring and air handling devices that are matched to the air exchange rates. LED OT lighting, anaesthetic workstations, multipara monitors, defibrillators, warming machines, central suction, and all medical gases, as well as highly train