Minecraft THE TREE OF HOPE UHC Season 5 Episode 2 ( Minecraft Ultra Hardcore )
Minecraft: Ultra Hardcore is a gamemode originally created by Guude and the group Mindcrack. In UHC mode, health does not regenerate, you must use a golden apple, golden head, or instant health potion. In addition, ghasts drop gold ingots, rather than ghast tears, so players cannot brew regeneration potion. In this season of UHC, the 24 participants will be playing in a 2500x2500 arena exclusively in the overworld: the Nether is disabled Play Minecraft on my Server IP: Join The RUSHERS by Subscribing Livestreams Follow me on Twitter Games Channel Facebook page Join My Server IP Donation Packages Thinking of buying a server with NO lag and awesome support Buy it from McProHosting Use code Rusher for 25 off Click Here Thumbnail Designer Put MINECRAFT UHC as your comment if you read the description Custom plugin and hosting provided by Intro created by PatClone ( Participants: Intro Music Different Heaven EH DE My Heart