How To: War Thunder CDK 2021 Pt2, Mission Properties, Player Slots, Spawns, Saving, Play Testing
DONT FORGET TO SAVE UNDER MISSION EDITOR NOT AS A PROJECT THIS LINK IS FOR TRIGGER REFERENCING DOWNLOAD THE CDK HERE Timestamps: 00:00 : Introduction 1:39 : Mission Properties 10:59 : Marking Runway Setting Up Spawns 18:49 : Setting up your player Slots 20:33 : Saving (Mission Editor) Uploading Test Link (To Discord) 22:02 : Hoping it works War Thunder Live Profile: FFSM Sound mod (Currently for Aircraft only) Here: Join The Discord I Have A War Thunder Squadron SteelxWolfs The Wolfpack, SxWYT is the tag. Let us know in Discord what your in game name is so we can accept you into the squadron and give you the squadron member role. Look forward to seeing new faces