Living in the Divine Will A Simple Guide from Mother Gabrielle Marie
Mother Gabrielle Marie, Mother Superior and foundress of the Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will, began her religious life as a Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration in the United States. For thirtythree years, she learned much under the holy guidance of her late Abbess Mother Angelica, foundress of the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network). Despite meeting many wellknown and even saintly religious figures through her monasterys connection with the highly successful Catholic television network, the most significant moment in Mother Gabrielle Maries life came in 1998 through the hands of a young postulant under her care. Through a simple request for permission to read a book given to the sister by her grandmother, Mother discovered, began reading, and instantly fell in love with the Divine Will writings of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. Moving ahead to 2009, after nine years as Vicar and sixteen years as Novice Mistress, Mother Gabrielle Marie received a