Jehovah Witness Convention Hamburg AKA Jehovah Witness Convention: Hamburg (1960 1969)
Unissued, unused material dates and locations may be unclear, unknown. Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany (Western Germany). Various shots, showing preparations for Jehovah Witness convention, crowds arriving with baggage. CU Men painting the ground. MS Woman painting flowers on panel. CU Woman painting lettering. CU Wood filing. CU People hammering wood. MS Women stacking chairs. MS Young woman asleep on stadium benches. MS and CU Telephone operator at exchange. LS Line of poles with tops covered in plastic. Various shots of the convention s kitchen and canteen. CU Cups stacked. CU Cutlery. LS Rows of toilets. LS High shot, man inspecting rows of wooden seats. MS Old couple, seated alone on benches. Various shots, seated crowds in the open air convention with speakers including signers translating. CU various shots, people praying. LS Convention masses with raised umbrellas. LS and CU People with plastic bags on their feet walking through the mud. CU Rain on umbrella. CU Woman s feet into wat