South Africa and the Anglo American Corporation: Africas Liberation from the Rhodes Legacy is Now
Todays Africa is seeing a reemergence of a robust PanAfricanism, and break from imperialism unseen in the last several centuries. What is the nature of those imperial structures which have kept the dark continent trapped in dark age conditions for over 120 years and how did the Britishimperial nest around Cecil Rhodes set the stage for the worst atrocities of Africas history since the second Boer War How has the multipolar alliance changed the rules of the zero sum game that has kept Africa exploited and how can the age of empire finally come to an end On Sunday June 18, The Rising Tide Foundation hosted a lecture by PD Lawton, a South African born writer, researcher and EditorinChief of Africa Agenda. Supplementary links referred to during the presentation: The critical role of manufacturing steel. Study of Democratic Republic of Congo : Dr Fred MMembe from Zambia on the mini