श ह श र ख रम क स प शल र स प बन य इस आस
Sheer Khurma is also known as Sheer Khorma. Sheer khurma is a festival vermicelli pudding made during the festive occasion of Eid alFitr in the South Asian countries of India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and parts of central asia. In the Persian language Sheer means milk and Khurma means dates. This creamy and delish Sheer Khurma recipe is made with milk, dates, nuts and dry fruits, vermicelli and flavorings like rose water, saffron or cardamom powder. Sheer Khorma is a traditional Muslim festive breakfast, and a dessert for celebrations शह शर खरम क सपशल रसप बनय इस आसन और सटक तरक स, Sheer Khurma Recipe In Hindi, Sheer khurma Recipe, Eid Special Recipe, Creamy Sheer Khurma, E