News In A Nutshell (1936)
News in a Nutshell. Intertitle M, S of the Hindenburg ( Hindenberg ) airship hovering over the ground, it is bringing home boxer Max Schmeling. A group of people wait, his wife, actress Anny Ondra is among them. She gets excited and looks through her binoculars. M, S as Schmeling waves out of the windows. M, S as the couple walk along surrounded by people. M, S as they drive off in a car, people line the routes and cheer. Policemen hold back the crowds. Various shots as Schmeling stands on a balcony while huge crowds wave and cheer below him. Intertitle (Oxfordshire). M, S of people in boats crowding the river at the Henley Regatta. M, S as Pembroke College row against Thames Rowing Club and win. A flag in waved. M, S of the crowd watching. M, S as Selwyn College row against Westminster Bank who win. Various shots as the different teams row, a man rides along river bank on a bicycle shouting through a megaphone. Intertitle (London). M, S of spectators at