Storm Storm Go Away , Little Angel Kids Songs Nursery Rhymes
When the rain starts pouring in the night, thunder and lightning can scare anyone. You need to learn not to be afraid of these things, even if you think you see monsters in the dark. Enjoy this new version of Storm Song by Little Angel. ,littleangel , littleangelnurseryrhymes , babyjohnsongs () Subscribe to Little Angel for New Videos Song Lyrics Storms, they are scary, big and loud Flash, flash and booming in the clouds Go, go away big scary storm Dont you worry the sky is booming see the clouds go flash Up in the sky Can you see that Storms are flashy they make the night go bright Dont be afraid if you see a flash of light Were safe in the house Storms, they are scary, big and loud Flash, flash and booming in the clouds Go, go away big scary storm Dont you worry Storms sound scary they go bang and boom Dont be afraid Storms, they are scary, big and loud Flash, flash and booming in the clouds Go, go away big scary storm When a storm comes Dont