Alder vs Swamp Ash vs Mahogany Guitar Body Wood Tone Test
Does body wood have an effect on the tone of an electric guitar You tell me Not a scientific test, you say Use a spectrum analyzer, you say What do you think I m trying to do a space shuttle into orbit :) This isn t a test for a test for your perception. Because when it comes to evaluating sound, what s true for you may not be true for me, regardless of what a spectrum analyzer might say. Different people will perceive the same sound source slightly differently, either because their ears are different (older, younger, more, less sensitive, more, less trained), or because they listened at a different volume (the whole FletcherMunson thing). Some will hear a difference and others won t. My intention here wasn t to prove a hypothesis. It was to do a fun and pretty legit comparison, and offer up the results without bias, so others could listen and offer their take. So don t be discuss