Doctor Who: The Armageddon Factor Teaser Trailer
The Key to Time is almost complete. With only one piece still to find, the Doctor, Romana and K9 arrive on Atrios, a planet in the middle of a terrible war with its twin world, Zeos. To restore the balance of the universe for the White Guardian, the Doctor must find the sixth segment before the planets destroy each other but Zeos is deserted, so who is behind the war This is a teaser trailer for the one hundred and third TV story of Doctor Who, The Armageddon Factor. , TheArmageddonFactor, ClassicWho, TheKeytoTime I do not own the clips they belong to the BBC. I have uploaded this for entertainment only not for profit. Credit to: Josu Relax as I used one of their videos to edit my title cards. Link to original: Don t forget to comment, rate, subscribe and most importantly enjoy Tags: The Key to Time, The Ribos Operation, The Pirate Planet, The Stones of Blood, The Androids of Tara, The Power of