Snow White: Evil Witches
The Brothers Grimms tale of Snow White has been retold dozens of times in print and the cinema over the past two centuries. A central character is the Evil Queen, Snow Whites malevolent stepmother, who tries to kill her with the help of the occult. Aging women have often been portrayed as Evil Women. What do portrayals of the Evil Queen tell us about witchcraft, fears of the power of aging women, and the valorisation of youth, beauty, and domesticity A lecture by Joanna Bourke The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: Gresham College has offered free public lectures for over 400 years, thanks to the generosity of our supporters. There are currently over 2, 500 lectures free to access. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn from some of the greatest minds. To support Gresham s mission, please consider making a donation: