Anne Boleyn Henry VIII A historic love
THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN STOLEN FUCKING THIEVES HD PLEASE Just something random. It didn t turn out the way I expected. This song one of the most beautiful tracks of The Tudors OST deserved something better. I like the beginning and the end, but my freakin muse went missing somewhere between 1:22 to 2:20. Meh That btch LOL. I know I said my next vid would be about Jensen and Jared but last week, I couldn t stop listening A historic love. I m working on that video again, hope will be finished before I start college again :( I need to vid something funny And yes, I love this texture, so what hahaha Hope you enjoy it anyway. Give me some feedback Thanks for watching, Don t copy, steal MY VIDEO I OWN NOTHING BUT MY EDITING , 20 Más comentados (hoy) Ocio, 27 Superfavoritos (hoy), 1 Superfavoritos (hoy) Ocio, 8