1st British Gliding Competition Aka First British Gliding Competition (1922)
Itford, East Sussex Full titles read: FIRST BRITISH GLIDING COMPETITION Mr Fokker and several other Pilots put up remarkable gliding L, S s of officials and competitors pushing gliders at top of hill. L, S of glider floating through the air after take off. L, S of man climbing into the cockpit of his glider (could be Fokker). L, S of glider being pulled up into the air by cords. L, S s the glide flying over the picturesque countryside (it looks a bit unstable ). Intertitle reads: Capt. F. W. Merriam had a lucky M, S of Merriam climbing into his glider. A cord pulls the it up into the air, however, a gust of wind blows it sideways back to the ground. C, U s of people inspecting the damage. Intertitle read: Mr. F. P. Raynham making wonderful flight of nearly 2 M, S of Mr Raynham being secured in putting flying helmet on and being secured in his glider. Various shots of the glider in flight. C, U of Raynham sitting in his glider, back on the ground. FILM A VIDEO FRO