Followed: Tiago Lemos
It is needless to say that we are huge fans of Tiago. Of course, doing a Followed with him was on our bucket list ever since the series had started. We could try to get it when he would come to Barcelona or Los Angeles, but it was a key priority for us to film it at home in São Paulo to really show what a day at home for him would look like. So that s what we did. Join our day with Tiago as he gets a massage at his place, shows off his recently acquired barista skills, we grab food, and go skate the whole day until the rain chases us down. Enjoy. Filmed by Daniel Galli Edited by Bennet Rahm Motion Graphics by Stephan Pöhlmann Also featuring: Marina Gabriela, Wilton Souza, Thaynan Costa, Daniel Jenks, Andrew Verde, Anthony Claravall, and many more. Timestamp Overview: 0:00 Massage Coffee at Home 1:38 Getting Breakfast 3:45 1st Spot: Praça Roosevelt 7:20 2nd Spot 7:59 Rained Out Game of SKATE Get our books app