Who Is Tosca Musk Elon Musks Hollywood Director Sister
Tosca Musk, CEO of Passionflix, is a Hollywood director and ultimate trailblazer, much like her brothers Elon Musk and Kimbal Musk. While Elon has taken to the skies, and Kimbal has made his fortune in the restaurant industry, Tosca is a critically acclaimed director, producer and current CEO of the Netflix for romance movies and women, Passionflix. Tosca is an accomplished film professional and has been utterly successful as she s ventured out on her in in the film industry despite her family s protestations. Join us as we take a look at the trailblazing life of Tosca Musk. Don t forget to subscribe to our channel, leave a comment and hit the like button if you like this video. Thanks for watching , toscamusk, elonmuskfamily, elonmusksister, passionflix, elonmusk, mayemusk, errolmusk, kimbalmusk, mothersday, elonmusk