J E T Experimental short video, animation DirectorDavid Ellis FamilyCat Productions Created 2012 The preview clip you are viewing has been uploaded as H. 264 NTSC. Other screening formats are available upon request. J E T run time 00:04:00 Director: David Ellis. A FamilyCat Production Music by Antropsy, The Last Way(Into Light ll) From The Compilation of Modern Sleeping album. CC License Electrosound Moscow, Russia J E T is a computer generated experimental video short, animation. It is part of a series of videos exploring image manipulation and digital deconstruction, reconstruction. My works generally have no plot or storyline. The cyclical morphing images and the process ARE the subject of the works. This video has a very interesting origin It was created from a compilation of images created using a very cool but very odd interactive program posted on an obscure geeky Japanese website featuring all interactive screen programs or qu