NEW Quick Chakra Tune Up 2 Minutes Per Chakra All Chakras Chakra Music, Chakra Meditation
Headphones are recommended but not required. Please take the time to properly set your volume to a low and comfortable level. For optimal results, you should listen to this while resting with your eyes closed. Any criticism is welcomed and appreciated. Rating this video with a like or dislike helps to reflect the video s efficacy and value. The concept of the chakra appears to originate from the Vedas. According to these beliefs, it is an energy center in the etheric body. There are many different chakra systems, but the most popular is composed of 7 primary chakras. It is traditionally believed that the chakras represent systems that interact with the body s biological processes. The root chakra or Muladhara is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. Muladhara is formed from two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning root and Adhara, meaning support or foundation. The root chakra s primary aspects are survival and coexistence with nature. It requires basic necessities such as food, water, sh