The First Photographs of Los Angeles, California (1864 1909) 115+ year old images
Today we will dive into a vast collection of images, considered to be the first photographs ever taken of Los Angeles, California. Beginning the deep dive is a very intricate map detailing Los Angeles as it appeared in 1871, and we will follow this up with over 100 photographs of the fledgling city of Los Angeles from the years 1864 through 1909. Immaculate architecture aside, the landscape is filled with unique properties, beauty both naturally occurring and manmade, and we will look at many locations of Los Angeles photographed for the first time in history. The images today are at least 115 years old, and I compiled this collection from months of research into Los Angeles; through museums, libraries, private collections and online forums dedicated to architecture. Id love to hear your thoughts about any of the photographs showcased today in the comment section down below, and I cant wait to discuss Los Angeles with you further. Please like, share, and subscribe to the channel if youre n