55th BFI London Film Festival Vodcast Day 15
On the penultimate day of the 55th BFI London Film Festival, the third annual Star of London Awards ceremony took place. The Best British Newcomer Award, presented in partnership with Swarovski, went to Candese Reid for her role in Junkhearts. The award was presented by director Edgar Wright. The Grierson Award for Best Documentary went to Werner Herzog s Into the Abyss, and was presented by Adam Curtis and accepted by Herzog s Executive Producer Andre Singer. The Sutherland Award for most imaginative and original first feature went to Pablo Giorgelli for Las Acacias, and was presented by director Terry Gilliam. The Best Film Award, presented in partnership with American Express, went to Lynn Ramsey s We Need to Talk About Kevin, and was presented by jury members John Madden and Gillian Anderson. Finally, the BFI s highest honour, the Fellowship, was awarded to director David Cronenberg, by Jeremy Thomas and Michael Fassbender, and to actor Ralph Fiennes, by br, br,