The Marvel Of The Age (1923)
Extracts from the Court Theatre Review Carte Intertitle reads: Introducing Peter P. Pogwash s Patent Painless Pig Pulverizer and Pork Packer. (Not to mention Tubby Edlin and the Two A large machine made from cardboard (by the looks of it) on a stage set is operated by a man in a uniform. Other people come and have a look at it. The operator accidentally puts some oil on a lady s neck instead of on the machine. He then starts the machine up. A little fake pig on a piece of board slides down a slope and into the machine. The Pork Packer (patented in Peru, Patagonia, Peckham and Palestine) collects at one end The mad looking inventor points to the pigs going into the machine with his umbrella. The pig is then tickled to death with a revolving feather duster. The operator sets the feather dusters going. he is again tickled by revolving hatchets C, U of cogs going around. And his soul has now entered a sausage L, S of the machine in action. C, U of sausages