Outlander Filming Locations in Scotland
Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you like this video to see similar content in the future This video features the top Outlander Filming Locations in Scotland. My wife and I are big fans of the show and decided to make the trek to Scotland to visit my wife s best friend that lives in Edinburgh. We also checked out our favorite Outlander Filming Locations. We did a bit of research online before going to map out our trip. The order these locations appear in the video don t match the order in which we visited them. You need to map out your trip to best match your itinerary. We just spent about 5 days in Scotland during this visit which was plenty of time to see all of these sites. The sites included in this video are the following: 00:00 Outlander Filming Locations in Scotland Introduction 00:13 Craig Na Dun Fictional Location of the Standing Stones from Outlander 00:41 Blackness Castle Fort William where Jamie was flogged by Black Jack Randall 01:54