Sex, Lies And Murder: Sharee Miller Takes the Stand Part 1 (2001)
TRIALS ON DEMAND: MI v. Sharee Miller (2001) It s called the internet s first Sharee Miller is accused of using sex and promises of future companionship to entice former Kansas City area sheriff s deputy Jerry Cassaday to kill her husband. Bruce Miller, a Flint auto worker who also operated an auto salvage yard, was killed in November 1999. Cassaday committed suicide in February 2000 and left behind a confession with email and Internet messages that implicated Miller in the killing. Prosecutors claim Miller faked a whole series of pictures of a bruised and pregnant body to convince Cassady she was being beaten by her husband while pregnant with her lover s child. FULL TRIAL: , CourtTV, TrailsOnDemand, ShareeMiller COURT TV IS BACK 24, 7 LIVE gaveltogavel coverage, indepth legal reporting, and expert analysis of the nations most important and compelling trials. WATCH COURT TV LIVE: WATCH TRIALS ON DEMAND: WHERE TO WATCH: